  • 0%
    of executives know enough about AI to decide what to do about it
  • 0%
    of executives across 10 industries want to invest into Business AI


You need to spend at least 5 hours per week to stay on top of what is happening in Your industry


BeAI - The Business AI App for Asset Management

gives executives, sales leaders, strategy heads, data scientists and product specialists access to modules including:

  • Curated AI research

    Case studies of industry leaders, governments etc

  • AI generated news that adapt to your specific interests and needs

    • For your industry (to stay informed, globally, in real-time)
    • For Artificial Intelligence in your industry (and how you can use it)

  • Data Vault

    Charts, graphs and tables relevant for your business, client and board meetings (for internal and external use)

  • Global AI talent database

    Talent to hire, partner or do projects with

  • AI/FinTech startup database

    Presentations and introductions to cutting-edge startups in the FinTech/RegTech and AI space

BeAI can be customized with any module above and licensing is either per user, departments or company

A quick intro video to BeAI
A brief look at AI in Asset Management and how we consult with clients
A more detailed overview of BeAI and how it can help your growth

Contact us with your specific interests and to set up a demo of BeAI

Request a BeAI Demo

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