BeAI – The Intelligence Solution for Asset Management

The Business App to understand AI, get educated, stay up-to-date on competitive environment and to find the right AI partners for you!


Why BeAI?

Your solution to keep track of market and competitive developments in asset management

  • Competitors developments: leadership and organizational changes, financials, strategy, M&A
  • Recent developments at your customers
  • What happens in ESG?
  • Awareness on digitalization and AI developments in the asset management industry
  • Generate strategic ideas and possible innovation and adaptation in distinct fields

How does it work?

The App that learns and focuses on the users interests and preferences

Every user sets the priorities, interests and preferences. The AI algorithm of the App will then learn and show most relevant content and certainly learns overtime through users voting and usage.

Who should get access to BeAI?

Everybody! The App provides intelligence for anybody across all parts of an organization.

With its different focuses and influenced by user preferences, it suits well from C-level to business management, strategy teams, IT staff and even all employees of a company.

BeAI can be customized with any module above and licensing is either per user, departments or company

A quick intro video to BeAI
A brief look at AI in Asset Management and how we consult with clients
A more detailed overview of BeAI and how it can help your growth

Request a BeAI Demo

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